You CAN have it all - just not all at once.




Let’s be real: the internet full of complete and utter bullshit. When I was trying to get back in shape mentally and physically after successive periods of binge eating, restriction, and bulimia, I was hugely overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting information. One influencer preached “everything in moderation,” while another championed eliminating gluten and dairy; and don’t get me started on the running vs. weight lifting vs. pilates discourse. What killed me was that 90% of the internal babble was coming from people without so much as a bachelor’s degree. These people would hock their affiliate-linked product without ever providing any real science to prove their claims. And if you are like me, that just doesn’t fly. 

So I did my own research. I read books and academic journals, I listened to podcasts, and then I got my Certified Personal Training license. I used my body like a living experiment while I cured myself of disordered eating, built discipline in the gym, and developed a lifestyle of longevity - all based on science and science-based tools. And then perfected a system based on the same tough-love approach I used on myself. My training is not for the faint of heart - my programs are only for those willing to skip the excuses, show up for themselves, and work hard. 

My value comes in my ability to teach and motivate - to share all I learned about health as a LIFESTYLE and then light a fire under your ass to help you achieve lasting change. 

Around here, we don’t hope for motivation - we act on discipline.


FOUNDATION (lifestyle)


The FOUNDATIONS training will follow the best practices from my other programs (daily and weekly accountability check-ins, progress tracking, and resource sharing), but go beyond aesthetic or fitness goals to correct the way you live. We will work together to break your worst health habits, and build some great new ones. This program is perfect for anyone who logically knows what to do to get healthy, but just can’t seem to find the discipline to stay the course. We will set CHALLENGING goals for whatever areas of health and wellness you need to see change, and I will kick your ass into gear DAILY.

FORM (workouts only)


If you have specific training goals, from running your first race to getting rid of cardio booty and everything in between, FORM is for you. FORM is my refining program for workouts where we will build the exact training schedule, cadence, and recovery protocol to maximize your results. FORM is whatever you need it to be - we can incorporate fitness classes, run clubs, and flexible rest days into YOUR schedule so hitting your daily workout is not an IF, it’s a WHEN.

FUSION (workouts + nutrition)


With the FUSION program, you’ll find a balanced fitness routine that combines strength-building exercises, endurance-focused running, and the right nutrition to transform your body and elevate your performance. If you’re wondering how I train, this is it! FUSION combines FUEL and FORM programming, with the same weekly and daily check ins to set you up for success. This is an intensive fitness program designed to get you in the best shape of your life. This program is recommended for those already comfortable with both running and lifting.

FUEL (nutrition only)


There’s no way around it: abs are built in the kitchen. No matter how you show out in the gym, you cannot outrun or out-train a bad diet. For so many people (especially women), finding the right eating habits for your body can be a challenge. With the FUEL program, we can do it all: cure your binge eating and purging habit, fix that shitty digestion (no, I won’t be selling you greens powder), or just figure out what you need to support an active, healthy lifestyle.